Horse Racing Appeal Panel Comité D’appel Des Courses De Chevaux

HRAP Proceedings


Hearings are generally open to the public, and held electronically, unless otherwise ordered by the Horse Racing Appeal Panel.

Hearings are held electronically via Zoom.  If you would like access to any hearings held electronically, please submit an email providing your name, email address, and phone number to @email.

When so ordered, in person hearings will be held at:


10 Carlson Court 
4th Floor - Suite 400 
Toronto, ON 
M9W 6L2

If you would like access to any hearings held electronically, please submit an email providing your name, email and phone number to @email.

Current Appeals

The following appeals have been filed and are currently before the Panel.

Case Name Sort ascending Case Description Stay in Effect? Start Time Hearing Date Hearing Type
Timpano, Bruno Equine Drug or Medication - Trainer Yes 9:00 AM Appeal - Electronic Hearing
Steward, Nicholas Urging Yes 9:00 AM Appeal - Electronic Hearing
Steward, Nicholas Interference Yes 9:00 AM Appeal - Electronic Hearing
Moreau, Richard Equine Drug or Medication - Trainer Yes 9:00 AM Appeal - Electronic Hearing
Gallant, Terry No


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Bossence, Stephen Equine Drug or Medication - Trainer No


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Bax, Matthew Equine Drug or Medication - Trainer Yes 9:00 AM Appeal - Electronic Hearing